Text by Larasati Anisa
Creating a good product doesn’t happen in a snap. It’s an elaborate process that takes a number of steps, from conception to the first draft, to making prototypes and crafting the actual product. During the whole process, no matter how confident we are of the product in question, there will be things that the few heads on the team won’t see—until the product is in someone else’s hands. Outside feedback is crucial, which is why we came up with Walk in Progress—a tester program to help our R&D team, the Ā Lab, learn more about the product and make it better.
In this edition of Walk in Progress, we sent a freshly baked prototype of the new Sonar sandal to select wear-testers and asked them to try it out for 31 days and tell us what they think. We’re keeping the full feedback for the Ā Lab (it’d make for one lengthy article anyway!), but here’s some of it.
jujur pas pertama open the box, amaze krn pertama gue suka banget black hampir smua yg ada di lemari black mas thats why first product kmrn beli black juga. dan ini sandalnya setelah gue coba jalan di dalam rumah texture upper sandal bagian dalamnya empuk banget. strapnya rekat oke cuma blm trbiasa dngan sandal dengan tali di tengahnya. but gue coba rekatkan dan fit to kaki gue rasanya enak dan trnyata true size di kaki gue malah di 41 ini mas
To be honest, when I first opened the box, I was amazed because first off, I really like black, almost everything in my wardrobe is black–that’s why the first (Hijack) product I bought was black too. When I tried walking around with the sandals inside the house, the upper felt super cushy. The strap is good, but I’m not used to wearing sandals with laces. But then I tried to fasten the laces, and it fit my feet nicely, and also, it turned out 41 is actually my true size.
if allow for comment, di lidah bagian ini mas mungkin bisa dikasi fix dan dijahit biar tdk mudah break krn daily used i think versi ini nyaman banget dr lidahnya udh memberikan kesan yg soft banget di kaki
If I may offer my opinion, maybe the ends of the tongue can be fixed and sewn, so it won’t fall apart easily since it’s gonna be used daily. I think this version is very comfortable thanks to the tongue–it gives a very soft impression on the feet.
i think di sisi ini better same silhouette as right one mas or ad sil nya juga jd kesan sportnya jg dapet aja gitu (sisi luar vs sisi dalam; sisi dalam dibuat seperti sisi luar)
I think it’s better if the inner sides of the sole were the same as the outer sides to give off a sporty look.
Cakep nih ! Yang baru gue rasa pas pertama nyoba, ini sendal jauh lebih ringan dari hijack sebelumnya. Gue punya alto dan argo. Buat tes tes jalan doang sih td di garasi rumah feel di kaki juga nyaman. Tp ngeliat sol yang total baru sih gue ga sabar nyoba buat jalan agak jauhan dan nyoba berbagai medan.
This looks good! When I tried it for the first time, this sandal felt much lighter than previous Hijack sandals—I own Alto and Argo. I did a little walking test in my garage earlier, and it feels comfy on the feet too. Seeing the completely new sole design made me feel super pumped up to walk somewhere farther and try various terrains.
WOW ahaha this is so cool aku suka banget sama designnya! terutama outsolenya sih ini keren banget outsole terbaru kan ya ini?? tambahan lace jadi aksen menarik tersendiri buat T2 ini, dan yang terpenting nyaaman!
Wow! This is so cool. I really like the design! Especially the outsole—it’s really cool. This is the newest outsole, right? The lace addition makes for an interesting accent for this T2 (prototype name), and most importantly, it’s so comfy!
Hmm overall aku suka bgt sih sama design silhouette dari sendal ini, agak terlihat too much atau ribet gitu memang, tapi buat make ini sendal simple banget tinggal longgarin strap velcro yg di belakang dan langsung masuk
Hmm, overall, I really like the silhouette design of this sandal—it may look a bit too much or complicated, but wearing it is pretty simple: just loosen the velcro strap on the back and go straight in.
Stitching nya juga rapih dan ada kombinasi bahan cordura disini supercool
The stitching is also neat, and there is a combination of cordura material here—super cool!